Today’s Deer On June 25

A Nice Morning In The Deer Woods.

Yesterday morning I saw a total of only 2 does. The morning before I hadn’t seen any. But this morning went much better. And I’m gonna show ya.

I slipped out of bed and got the day started before first light by making a cup of freshly ground coffee. Then I pulled on my shoes and walked outside with my coffee and iPhone. I currently have 4 mouser cats and they were all sitting by the cat food bowl, quietly starring at me.

So I fixed them up with some catfood and took the short walk over to my west boundary fence. Daylight was already creeping into the woods around me. Twenty minutes a shadowy deer shape walked up behind me and passed by me. I took the deer’s picture with my iPhone.

A minute later two deer came up from the opposite direction. Oddly, the duo consisted of a buck in velvet and a spotted doe walking together.

I held still and they walked right by me. I didn’t get the camera aimed at them just right to get them both in the picture.

The fawn walked very close to me.

Soon Daylight had the surrounding area were well lit. So I changed areas by walking to the south and waiting close to the property fence to the south. Before long two deer walked along the fence and passed by me.

A lone doe showed up and walked past me.

Soon after a buck in velvet came up to the fence directly ahead of me. He hopped over the fence and even though I had the camera right on him I did not get his pic as he went over the fence.

Half an hour a doe came up and IU didn’t get her pic going over the fence either.

I saw an additional 10 deer in the surrounding area before I walked back to the house. Then I got some homemade Shepherd’s Pie out of the fridge and had a swell lunch. July is not far away and one of my favorite days of the year, “Magic Buck Day” is coming in 3 weeks. I can’t wait.

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