Everything Wants to Kill You, Almost

Hunters are a fawn's best friend.


A fawn is as vulnerable as it is beautiful.  Even if twins, their early years are filled with danger since every predator on earth, except one, wants to kill it.  Given the incredible number of predators roaming our deer country, it’s a wonder that any survive.  We don’t have to sit back and just let the fawn slaughter happen, so put on your big pants and take action.


Kill Coyotes

Get your hunting gear out of the closet and hunt coyotes.  Right now, a coyote pair is feeding their young so they need to kill 24/7.  Most states recognize the danger that coyotes present to game animals and have no restrictions.  Hunt them day or night, bow or rifle, any day of the week.  If you hear coyotes howling in your hunting area or find scat with hair in it, get to work and save countless fawns that will fall prey to their jaws.

Buy a Bear Tag

Studies have shown from the Pennsylvania Game Commission that black bears are significant, maybe the greatest, predators of fawns.  Unfortunately, there are no spring bear seasons in the East, but you can help out in the long run by killing a bear.  I normally don’t hunt things I don’t eat, yet you can bet I’ll be in my stand on the opening day of the Pennsylvania archery bear season ready to shoot any bear that comes by.  For a large animal, black bears are incredibly cunning at avoiding hunters so take advantage of ANY opportunity.

Total Hypocrisy

Animal rights groups and urban thinkers see fawns as food.  “Let nature take its course,” they say.  However, when they get chest pains, or lightning strikes their home they want nothing to do with natural consequences.  As a hunter, conservationist, and intelligent person, I can judge right from wrong and there is nothing “wrong” with protecting fawns from predators.


Take Up Arms

Normally, I don’t post about firearms on this bowhunting site, yet many archers are or were rifle hunters.  A small caliber rifle is deadly on coyotes and those TSS shotshells designed for turkeys will give you a lethal range out to 60 yards.  Actually, during this time of year when foliage is heavy, a shotgun can be most effective since coyotes rarely stand still.

Calling in Fawn Killers

Coyotes are difficult to track but easy to call.  Think like a deer hunter, approach a calling spot or tree stand quietly, consider the wind direction, and use a mouth or electronic caller.  I’ve known people to call in coyotes with an app on their cell phones so anyone can do it.  In the next few weeks, pups will be out on their own and aren’t nearly as warry as adults.  If you are approached by multiple coyotes, hold your fire and dispatch as many as you can.

Help Them Along

One of the best defenses against predators, other than reducing their numbers, is to cultivate fawning cover.  Does must hide their young in thick cover to avoid detection because fawns cannot outrun any bear, coyote, bobcat, or wild dog.  Whitetail fawns are blessed with natural camouflage such that they are very difficult to see when lying still.  Their camo is even more effective when surrounded by thick cover.

Two Years of Grace

Yes, little fawn, deer hunters are predators too, but we are sports hunters which means we follow rules.  People cannot buy “fawn” in a restaurant and never will If I can help it.  You are wild and beautiful and deserve to grow up as nature intended.  We will have your back for the next two years until you are fully grown and capable of passing along your genes.  If you use your incredibly keen sense of smell, sight, and hearing well, you may outsmart us for some time to come.  Until then, we will do our best to see you have quality food, minerals, cover to hide in, and protection from criminals that we call poachers.  Best of luck little one.  May you grow strong and sire or birth many generations to come.


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