Some Gave All

Article by Doug Besherse – Jul 2, 2005

A day doesn’t go by that I do not think about the people who have given me my freedom, or the ones fighting to keep it for me now.

As I reflect back on my life over the past few years it has indeed been interesting. It continues to be that way.

Recently, because of my involvement with the troops in Iraq, I was invited to see Toby Keith in concert. It was a gift from Toby Keith brokered through his manager David Milam and Tony Dukes. This included great tickets and an opportunity to meet with him for a few moments. I met with him before the concert and was able to present him with two military coins. One was a 350th Civil Affairs Command coin, the other an Iraqi International Archery Tournament coin, both of which I received in Baghdad from Col Gamble. I presented them to him on behalf of Col Gamble and the rest of the 350th CA Command as a token of appreciation for what Toby had done for the military in combat zones.

Me and Toby in St Louis

He grinned as he held the coins up and looked at each side. He then said “Man I love these things” referring to military coins in general as much as the exact ones he was holding now. I agreed saying “yeah they’re cool aren’t they.” Shortly thereafter Toby sang pretty much non stop for an hour and a half. He put on an awesome performance. He is indeed a true patriot, and as someone else who has been in a combat zone, I have to say he is extremely brave to keep going back.

Thank you all for what you did.

On July 2cd I decided to visit some who gave it all. As a way of remembering those who have given me my freedom I went to the Jefferson Barracks Cemetery in St Louis. It was sobering to say the least. Thousands upon thousands of tombstones remembering our vets.

I salute all you out there keeping me free

This 4th if you see a vet tell them thanks for making the world a better place. Before you eat your B-B-Q say a prayer for all the ones currently under fire and all the ones who gave it all so that we can live free.

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