So I Was Sitting On My Front Porch And Had A Surprise Visitor!

It sure was a nice afternoon around the home place this afternoon.

Today has been overcast with a steady breeze.An hour ago I took a break from my current re-vamp of and sat down on my rocking chair on the porch. The overhead clouds and light breeze felt real good.

I didn’t intend to but I dozed off for a bit. A few minutes ago I woke up I opened up the eye balls. Surprise! A Doe was 10 yards away and was not interested in me at all. My iPhone was laying on my lap and I kept watch on the Doe as I quietly slid my hand down to the  phone and turned it on.

The Doe is standing in my Front Yard

This Doe didn’t even look at me as she casually glanced around the yard. Then the Doe walked over by me. I had some water set out next to the porch for my Mouser cat named ‘Little Johnson.’

I managed one more picture (Above) just before she scarfed down the Cat’s water. Yep! There are some Cool things about living in the Deer Woods.



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