Kerrie Wells Arrows Her First Merriam’s Turkey

Kerrie Wells Steals The Show On This Bowhunt For Merriam’s Wild Turkey Gobbler

We have all watched the exploits of The Slockmaster, Tim Wells, the host of Relentless Pursuit. But on this adventure, it was Tim’s wife Kerrie Wells who stole the show.

Hunting in South Dakota with Melissa Bachman, Kerrie was able to close the deal on her first ever Merriam’s Gobbler. Watch as they call the big fella across an expansive wheat field. When the big Tom comes running into a decoy at 25 yards and Kerrie is able to put a 2” Grim Reaper Whitetail Special just above the wing butt, dropping the Gobbler in his tracks.

Tim Wells stated, “The gobbler jumped in the air and when he hit the ground, he was dead.”

Tim and Kerrie like big broadheads for wild turkeys as it knocks them flat.  Tim related the video footage is awesome and will be out on Relentless Pursuit Tv and YouTube in about 4 weeks. Congratulations to Kerrie Wells on a great hunt and memorable harvest!

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