Tim Wells Tests New Broadhead On Hogs and Neilgie

Tim Wells video of his successful South Texas bowhunt for Wild Boars, big Neilgie bulls and Wild Turkey Gobblers. Watch Tim drop a wild boar in 3 seconds with a new Grim Reaper Broadhead.

Tim Wells videoed his successful South Texas bowhung big Wild Boars and Neilgie bulls. Tim dropped a wild boar in seconds with a new broadhead that Grim Reaper Broadheads sent him to test. Next he ambushed a big Neilgie Bull at point blank range while hiding in the Texas scrub brush. And also a Rio Grande wild turkey Gobbler.

Fast action hunt with cool slo mo kills. Says Tim, “Bloods flying and critters dying.” Tim is fillin’ the freezer with lots of wild meat.

Tim Wells Bow Hunter



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