Strange Turkey Season, Continued…

Champ Entered The Cedar Break And Took A Shortcut To Cut Off The Wild Hogs That We'd Just Seen.

Champ with a large wild boar he arrowed with my crossbow last year when he was 12.

Ahead of us 100 yards, a few adult wild hogs walked out of the cedars. In a low voice Champ   said, “Stop.” The hogs crossed the gravel road and filed into the woods.

As I stopped the pickup and Champ added, “Let me use your crossbow, it’s more powerful than mine”. In seconds he had my cocked crossbow in hand and was disappearing into the thick cedar trees.

A view of the gravel road we were driving on when some wild hogs crossed the road up ahead.

This area was one that Champ and I knew well because of our past wild hog bow hunts there. The cedars were dense and that had created a few easy to follow trails that guided the hogs and other wild game  through the area and eventually turned downhill to a farm crop field.

Champ used the closest trail so he could cover distance through the cedars, quietly and quickly, and he came out on a major cross trail that intercepted the trails crossing the road and also followed the top edge of the hill. Champ heard hog grunts and moved ahead to where he thought the hogs would be.

When he saw the hog group they were 25 yards away and Champ looked them over and saw what, here in the real world, we call a “big one”. In seconds the big hog was in range and coming closer on the same trail where Champ was standing … and already taking aim. He triggered his shot.

Whack! The hog charged into the cedars and loudly stopped for good.

I was waiting in my pickup for Champ to return. Daylight was fading when Champ climbed into the passenger seat and excitedly told me what had happened. I got out my spotlight and Sony camera so we could get pictures and we walked to the hog. And it was one of those “Big Ones.”

BACK TO: Champ, Me And GobblersWhat Do Wild Turkeys Do On Windy Days? Part #1. | Part #2: Our Strange Turkey Season Begins. | Strange Turkey Season, Continued…|




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